Eradicate Corruption — Build a New India
Oye Harishchandra Ki Aulad!!!!
This is the phrase which you might have heard or said sometimes in your life from and for your peers, friends, colleague, or relatives.
King Harishchandra was and is a symbol of utmost honesty and loyalty in the Indian society and we grew up listening to his incredible stories and the high moral standard this king has maintained during the course of his life. He is so popular amongst Indians that his name has become a phrase “Satywadi Harishchandra”, but unfortunately, the use of this phrase is not used in the sense what the name suggests, but to criticize or sarcastically stop someone from following the honest path. The most frequent slangs “Oye Harishchandra Ki Aulad” (Hey, son of Harischandra) and “Satywadi Harishchandra Mat Ban” (Stop acting like Satywadi Harishchandra) are the phrases that completely defies the meaning and the name for which king Harishchandra stood for throughout his life.
I started this article with the reference to king Harishchandra to show the status of the seriousness and behavior of people in our country towards corruption and how WE used the person's name exactly opposite to the values and standards which he has maintained and practiced throughout his life. There is no doubt that the honest culture has deteriorated in our society and substituted with comfortable manipulation and selfishness. We have become the slave of our own self and got busy finding small benefits for ourselves and our family. Society is not merely the group of people, but people with belongingness. Whenever we take the shortest possible path or manipulate or cheat the system for our benefit, we forget the harm/effect which it will be going to have on society and it happens because we forget the belongingness with the people around us and the society.
Sometimes, we don’t want to do corruption, but circumstances force us to involve in it such as getting a seat on a train, giving bribes to the govt. office for a driving license, birth certificate, and whatnot, the list can go on. Although I am writing this article, unfortunately directly or indirectly I am also guilty of the same. Most of us don’t want to be corrupt and practice honesty as much as and wherever possible, but we have to think about why this situation aroused in the first place and trackback and I am confident that we could find the mistakes that lead us to this situation and become vulnerable to corruption.
Corruption is corruption and there is no good or bad type of corruption. It is not the act, but the tendency to be corrupt in a given circumstance and the possibility of not getting caught lead a person to become corrupt. This is the reason why corruption is not limited to and discriminates poor and rich, powerless and powerful, rural and urban, female and male, and exists at each stratum of the society.
India is a democracy with the largest number of people in the world. This democracy has not been given, but to fought and taken back on the principles and ideologies and our forefather gifted us the most beautiful democracy and constitution of the world. This is our responsibility to keep this pride intact and rise above ourselves and contribute to making our beautiful country a more beautiful and happening place to be. We should not forget the ethics, values, and duties which our incredible country gifted us and which are the backbone and identity of our country.
In the world's largest democracy, it becomes important and crucial for governments to function as independent and non-corrupt entities to run the country. The accountability of the governments depends on how aware, empowered, and active the citizens of the country are. The 1st thing is to choose a representative and make her/him accountable for his promises and duties. The 2nd thing is to demand a robust anti-corruption law from the governments and be vigilant of the execution of the law and policy. To make it all work, every one of us must VOTE to get an honest government.
To deal with corruption, we have to deal with ourselves first and as Mahatma Gandhi said: “Be the change you want to see in the world”. We have to see ourselves and promise that
“This change will start from me and will follow, practice, and spread the path of honesty”,
“I will never make fun of someone or stop someone who is trying to follow the honest path even it could hurt me and rather try to make effort to join her/him to strengthen the honest voice”,
“I will respect other people feelings and uphold the sense of belongingness to the people around me”,
“I will play a critical and active role in strengthening and protecting my country’s democracy from the evil of corruption”,
“I will exercise my right to VOTE and try to reinforce the joy of corruption-free democracy”.
In this way, we could surely be able to eradicate corruption and build a new India which we aspire for.
Originally published at